7,30/13,00 – 13,30/16,00
Ferrari Stefania
Locations and hours
After the achievement of the high school diploma at the technical-commercial institute, I’ve started my working career in a professional accounting firm where I’ve reinforced my administrative skills. After a brief experience in a law firm I’ve begun to work in the accounting firm where I am right now. Here, I’ve strenghtened my accounting knowledges, facing with the customers and enhancing, in time, my knowledges up to face fiscal issues and to develop support activities for telematics services.
Practice Areas
Organization and management of accounting obligations for any kind of activity. Organization and management of fiscal and statutory obligations. Administrative and fiscal consultancy. Management and check of telematics sending procedures. Organization, management and check of Inail (National Institute for Insurance against accidents at work) procedures. Organization and sending of intrastat model. Preparation and filing of EEC financial statement and its notes.
Good level of autonomy and organization.
Good capacity to adapt to the working context and organization.
Good reaction to working pressure.
Good communication with customers and colleagues.
Good ability to achieve the assigned goals.
Team work attitude. Know-how manage information.
Problem solving attitude.
Constantly learning in order to improve personal skills and knowledges.
Meticulous and care for details.